First-Aid Product for Treatment Bronchial Embolism of Poultry
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First-Aid Product for Treatment Bronchial Embolism of Poultry

First-Aid Product for Treatment Bronchial Embolism of Poultry

GIN-AID WS Respiratory System Health Defender Bronchial Embolism Saver Herb Extract Water Soluble Powder COMPOSITION: Li
Basic Info
Specification 1kg, 5kg
Trademark Ginye
Origin China
Production Capacity 10000kg/Year
Product Description

Respiratory System Health Defender
Bronchial Embolism Saver
Herb Extract Water Soluble Powder

Liquorice Extract: 50 mg
Eucalyptus Extract: 50 mg
Menthol: 20mg
Carrier upto: 1 g

1. GIN-AID is first-aid product for treatment poultry bronchial embolism, control death rate very soon.
2. Protect respiratory tract mucosa, anti-inflammation , anti-infection.
3. Prevent and treatment snore bronchial embolism cough caused by virus and bacterial mixed infection. (such as IB salmonella E.Coli Staphylococcus aureus typhoid bacillus etc)
4. Green healthy, antibiotic free, no drug residue.


For Oral Administration
Poultry: 1 g per 1 liter of water for poultry drinking more than 12 hours for the first day, and more than 8 hours for next days. keep 3-5 days.

Double dosage under serious condition.


STORAGE: Store in dry & cool place, below 30 ºC.

PACKING: 500g 1kg Bags

VALIDITY: 2 years

How to prevent bronchial embolism in broilers?

In recent years, bronchial embolism has often occurred in broiler and some laying hens breeding, mostly in autumn and winter, winter and spring, both in ordinary chicken houses and standardized chicken houses. Mostly after the 7-day-old vaccine immunization, there are also individual chicken flocks who have the disease at the age of 2 to 3 days, with a daily mortality rate of 0.5% to 1%, and the course of disease lasts for 10 to 15 days or even longer. White feather broilers and 817 broilers are more common. The high morbidity and death rate have caused huge economic losses to the farmers. This disease is characterized by stretched neck, asthma, strange cry, bronchi and bronchioles blocked by yellow branches, pulmonary congestion, edema, dark purple, and systemic sepsis.

(1) Onset factors
Chicken bronchial embolism is not an independent disease, but a symptom of systemic infection. The causes of bronchial embolism are complex: virus, bacteria, mycoplasma infection and poor feeding and management can all cause bronchial embolism in chickens.

Stress factors: One is the vaccine stress response produced during vaccination. Generally, it occurs after the first vaccination or the second vaccination. The flocks are prone to coughing, nasal throwing or snoring. If not treated in time, it will quickly cause air sacculitis, and the development of air sacculitis will further cause bronchial embolism. The other is hot and cold stress. For example, when the spring, summer, autumn, and winter seasons alternate, the temperature difference between day and night generally exceeds 15ºC, the temperature difference is too large, the temperature of the chicken house suddenly drops, or the temperature in the chicken house is uneven, there is a temperature difference or a temperature dead angle, and the expansion group did not pre-warm in advance, etc. Can cause the disease. There are also cases where the disease occurs due to strong spring winds and thieves in the chicken house.

Improper control of the chicken house environment: Poor environmental sanitation in the chicken house and chicken farm, and the large number of pathogenic bacteria in the chicken house can easily cause the disease. There are also chicken flocks due to high density and poor ventilation, and the concentration of harmful gases in the chicken house is too high, which damages the respiratory mucosa of the chickens, resulting in respiratory diseases in the chickens and bronchial embolism. In addition, due to the dry climate and low humidity in the house, there are many floating objects in the air in the house, which stimulate the respiratory mucosa of chickens and cause disease.

In winter, the northern weather is dry, and there is usually no humidification equipment in the chicken house, or humidification equipment is not used, the humidity in the house is only 35%-50% (normal broiler breeding humidity is 60%-70% in the early stage, and keeps at 60% after 3 days); The chicken house heater is used for heating, and the fan exhausts the air for ventilation. The air sent into the chicken house is dry and hot air. The dry air in the house causes the broiler's trachea and bronchus to lose a lot of water during the breathing process, and the tracheal wall villi wilt and fall off and become bare. The wall of the trachea provides an opportunity for pathogen infection.

Pathogenic microbial factors: For example, the mixed infection of avian influenza H9 or H7 and other bacterial diseases, the mixed infection of colibacillosis and mycoplasma or chlamydia can cause the disease.

The body suffering from immunosuppressive diseases, such as infectious bursal disease, reovirus disease, Marek's disease, infectious anemia, etc. can cause immunosuppression of poultry, resulting in low immunity and the occurrence of the disease.

In addition, fungal pneumonia, fungal spores in the air, water, and feed can cause infections in chickens.

(2) Clinical symptoms
The chicken flock suddenly becomes ill and spreads quickly. It can quickly spread to the whole flock within 1 to 2 days, and the mortality rate is high. In the early stage of the onset, there were mild respiratory symptoms, such as sniffing, sneezing, clear nasal fluid, long eyelids, foam in the eye circles, snoring and coughing after 3 days, and panting (abdominal breathing), mouth opening after 5-7 days after the onset. Stretching the neck, "crouching" weird call. It seems that healthy chickens often scream suddenly and die on their backs (belly up). The feed intake of the chickens dropped rapidly. The sick chickens had disheveled feathers, shrank their heads and closed their eyes. Some chickens had yellow-green and loose stools. Finally, bronchial embolism occurred and died of suffocation. Most of the dead chickens were of upper-middle body condition with most of their abdomen facing up and their legs curled up.

(3) Pathological changes
The nasal mucosa of the sick chicken is flushed with mucus in the nasal cavity, bronchi and bronchiole are congested and bleeding, and there is mucus inside. After cutting the trachea or bronchi, embolisms can be seen, which severely extend into the lungs to form a dendritic blockage, the air sacs are cloudy, and the chest air sacs and abdominal air sacs have yellow-white foam-like secretions. In severe cases, there are yellow-white cellulose-like secretions on the surface of the heart, pericardial liver, and obvious pulmonary stasis and edema. There are yellow-white cellulose-like secretions in the bronchioles in the lungs, forming pulmonary bronchial embolism. Slightly older patients have systemic sepsis such as pericarditis, perihepatitis, and air sacculitis. Gastrointestinal papillary erosion, muscular stomach atrophy, muscular gastric wall ulcer. The kidney is congested and swollen. In severe cases, the kidney has obvious needle-sized bleeding points, and the urate deposits in the renal tubules and ureters form a motley kidney. In the later stages of the disease, the intestinal lymph follicles swell and bleed.

The typical lesion of this disease is the formation of yellow-white embolism in the trachea and bronchi, which severely extends to the bronchioles in the lung, which is also the main reason for the high mortality of chickens.

(4) Preventive measures
There is no exact and effective treatment for this disease, and comprehensive prevention and control measures are often taken. Improve the feeding and management conditions, increase the temperature and humidity in the chicken house, strengthen ventilation, reduce the stocking density, scientific immunization, and timely drug prevention.

Strengthen breeding management and improve environmental sanitation. Clean the manure in time and disinfect regularly to keep the house clean and clean. Keep the chicken house constant and suitable temperature and humidity. The relative humidity of broiler chickens should reach 60% to 70% in the early stage of raising. At the same time, pay attention to ventilation and air exchange (do not blow cold wind directly to the chicken body). The principle of ventilation in winter and spring is to ensure the minimum amount of ventilation, and to control the temperature change of the chicken house during ventilation, prevent the invasion of violent wind, and set the negative pressure reasonably. Adjust reasonable stocking density, balance nutrition, reduce stress, improve resistance, and minimize the cause of disease.

Develop a scientific and reasonable immunization program. It is recommended that chicks be immunized with infectious bronchitis vaccine at the age of 7 days. For the vaccine immunization of avian influenza H9, it is recommended to determine whether the vaccine needs to be injected based on the results of antibody monitoring. 3 days before and after vaccination, add multivitamins and cod liver oil to drinking water. After 14-day-old immunization with bursal disease vaccine, astragalus polysaccharide and Shuanghuanglian should be administered in time to improve the body's resistance and immunity; 21-day-old Newcastle disease IV can be flexibly controlled according to the actual situation of the chicken farm.

The prevention and treatment of mycoplasmosis should be emphasized in the medical care program, and the immunosuppressive diseases should be eliminated at the same time.

Add hawthorn, malt, Liu Shenqu, betel nut, orange peel, atractylodes, etc. to the feed to regulate the spleen and stomach, improve the digestibility of feed, and enhance the disease resistance of chickens. Adding antiviral Chinese medicines such as astragalus polysaccharides and antibiotics such as levofloxacin to drinking water can help reduce the harm caused by air sacculitis and colibacillosis.

(5) Treatment measures
In line with the principle of early detection and early treatment, early control of inflammation and exudation, promotion of cheese dissolution and absorption in the middle stage, expansion of the bronchus in the later stage, dissolution of embolism. In the early stage of the disease, spray administration can be selected to make the drugs directly reach the lungs, air sacs, trachea and their deep parts to play a role; the peak of death in the later period is mainly for symptoms, and drugs such as licorice particles can be selected to expand the lung bronchus and bronchioles to dredge the breathing. Purpose.

Combination of Chinese and Western medicines with no toxic side effects and no drug resistance should be used in the treatment of this disease. Western medicine to relieve the surface, Chinese medicine to clear away heat and toxins, and promote immunity. Only by giving full play to the role of drugs, eliminating pathogenic microorganisms, dissolving tracheobronchial embolism, assisting lung repair, and paying attention to protect the liver and kidneys, can death be effectively controlled.

During the treatment of the disease, the number of deaths per day will gradually decrease, and the mental state and feed intake of the large flocks of chickens will improve. At this time, the medication should be continued and persisted for 1 to 2 courses to completely cure.

There are two key points in the treatment of this disease. One is that bronchial embolism is the cause of chicken death, and drugs with high lung blood concentration must be used. Second, the main pathogen of the disease is avian influenza virus, and influenza can cause the body's immune function to decline and cause secondary infections, such as secondary infectious bronchitis, colibacillosis, etc. Therefore, it is best to use Chinese and Western medicine. Combine treatment.

If you are infected with renal infectious bronchitis, you should use traditional Chinese medicine (herb extract medicine) to protect the liver and kidney; adding electrolytes (containing citrate or bicarbonate) to the drinking water can reduce the loss caused by nephritis.

Drinking antiviral herbal extracts, such as Shuanghuanglian Oral Liquid, Qingwenbaidu Oral Liquid (main ingredients are extracts of Scutellaria baicalensis, Pulsatilla, Polygonum cuspidatum, etc.) to relieve respiratory symptoms and control the hazards of infectious bronchitis, Newcastle disease, etc.

Auxiliary use of nebulization therapy, add mucosity dissolving drugs in warm water, such as acetylcysteine, bromhexine, deoxyribonuclease, hypertonic sodium bicarbonate solution, activate proteolytic enzymes, make the sputum The acidic mucopolysaccharide and deoxyribonucleic acid and other viscous components decompose, making sputum easier to cough up, reducing death from suffocation.